(503) 330-4928


Planning your exterior project

Every year at this time we are getting phone calls from homeowners requesting exterior painting or construction estimates.  Many of you understand that these are large projects and you should plan ahead to get them on someone’s schedule before you miss another...

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Painting before the holidays

So the holidays are here and the weather is not looking good for doing any work outside.  Many of us have some time off in December and want to find a home project that can be done.  What can you do to make the biggest impact in a short amount of time and on a limited...

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Pre-Holiday Home Checklist

Our Portland weather is quickly taking a turn for the worse as winter is quickly approaching.  The days are getting shorter and shorter and the temps are quickly going down.  Many of you are thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas being just around the corner which...

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How to make your paint job last longer

It is that time of year when many folks are painting the exterior of their homes in Portland.  Our season got off to a very slow start this year with the wet spring we had but we have been working hard for the past few months now to get all of the exterior painting...

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Repairing That Rotten Wood

Summer is in full swing now and we are painting exteriors as quickly as we can get to them.  Our list of exterior jobs is pretty long this year due to the crazy wet Spring we had in the Portland area.  We are still giving exterior bids this year but are not sure if we...

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Summer Painting Season

Summer has officially hit Portland and we have gone from 8 months of rain to 100 degree days overnight.  We finally have dried out enough to get outside and start working on exterior painting.  Normally we are able to do this in March or April but Mother Nature had...

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Planning Your Summer Projects

I have been in the Painting and Construction business for almost 22 years now and every year I see people making the same mistake when it comes to home improvement projects.  Not planning far enough ahead.  We are in the middle of one of the largest construction and...

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2017 Spring Home Checklist

We survived another Portland winter and got our fair share of rain and snow.  The spring flowers are starting to bloom and we are all looking at what we need to do to make our homes and yards look great again for summer.  Once all of the rain stops and the temps get...

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DIY Tips on Removing Wallpaper

My last few blogs have been about getting your home ready for sale which many people consider doing around this time of year.  Everyone has that project that they have put off for one reason or another over the years.  Taking down old wallpaper can be a daunting task...

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Interior Ideas For Selling Your Home

If you are like many homeowners in the Portland area you are looking at selling your home in 2017.  The prices are at all time highs currently and seem to be climbing steadily with all of the people moving to our area.  Selling your home can be an easy task if you...

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Contact Information

Absolute Painting
3631 NE John Olsen Avenue
Hillsboro OR 97124

Phone: (503) 330-4928
Fax: (503) 530-8673

OR CCB#: 109416